How to Get Legal Leads that Convert into Clients for Your Law Firm

How to Get Legal Leads that Convert into Clients for Your Law Firm

Buying legal leads is not a sure thing, but your conversion rate for this particular business development technique should be relatively high. Legal Locator clients tend to see rates that significantly exceed other online marketing.

There are many ways to improve the ROI of leads for law firms, whether those leads are purchased or self-generated. As a dedicated lead-generation service, here are our best tips:

● Buy Leads

● If You're Buying Leads Already, Buy Better Leads

● Follow Up With Your Best Clients

● Become an Authoritative Source of Information

● Respond Faster to Client Requests

● Streamline and Improve Your Intake Process

● Track All of Your Lead Generation Techniques

Buy Leads

As a lead generation agency, we might be slightly biased. However, we believe that the best way to get leads that convert into clients is to purchase them directly.

Buying leads is important for any law firm because you are paying directly for potential client information. This is relatively unique among the business development options available to you.

In contrast, most types of marketing and advertising sell you interest or exposure. When you buy leads, the agency is taking care of that expensive, complicated, difficult-to-predict step for you. Instead of a campaign that may or may not generate the interest you want, you are directly purchasing a set amount of potential client contacts per month.

If you do any type of active business development, such as pay-per-click advertising, email blasts, or social media ads, lead purchasing should be part of your strategy. It gives you a more predictable stream of potential clients to balance the ebb and flow of other methods.

If You're Buying Leads Already, Buy Better Leads

If you're already buying leads, and things are not working out quite as planned, don't rush to blame the format. Law offices across the country get new clients every day through lead generation services.

There are multiple factors contributing to your conversion rate, not the least of which is the quality of the leads you are buying. Better leads often make a big difference.

Keep in mind that this is a relatively refined service. Legal leads you buy are products of extensive marketing and advertising campaigns designed to capture attention and collect potential client information. All of those costs are then divided and included in the price per lead.

Different lead generation techniques result in varying levels of quality and come with varying costs. In other words, you get what you pay for. Regardless of the price, definitely look for leads that are:

● Delivered to you in real-time

● Prequalified and vetted for authenticity

● Tailored to your specific practice/geographical areas

● Offered under flexible contract terms (if your intake capacity is subject to change)

Follow Up With Your Best Clients

Aside from buying leads outright, there's the more familiar method of keeping in contact with clients. This obviously is not practical for new firms — you might need to buy some leads to get started.

For firms with a few satisfied clients on record, following up is a low-cost way to potentially generate some of the highest quality leads available to you. A few non-billable hours (or staff hours) a month is all it costs you to maintain a rapport with past clients, communicate the types of cases your office is looking for, and offer your continuing assistance when necessary.

Become an Authoritative Source of Information

If you want another relatively passive source of leads for your firm, consider developing your website or publishing a blog. Most attorneys do not get everything they could be getting out of their web presence.

The idea is to publish informative, high-quality, straightforward web pages that are specific to your firm. This helps potential clients understand what you do — and it helps search engines provide better matches for your services.

There's an added bonus to developing your website: It gives current and past clients a way to share information about your firm with other people. This method of introducing yourself and providing a method of direct contact provides an opportunity far beyond simply handing out business cards.

Respond Faster to Client Requests

Now for the elephant in the room: You might not be doing everything you can to maximize the value of each lead you get. The easiest and most effective way to improve is to eliminate delays in responding to client inquiries.

Delays are a reality in the profession for many reasons, ranging from packed schedules to distant court dates. However, when a potential client contacts you or when you get a lead from a lead generation agency, it's time to switch gears.

Regardless of the actual urgency of the matter, it is likely that your potential clients will feel the need to act quickly at the beginning. This could motivate them to choose another, more responsive firm over yours. Act quickly — even if it needs to be a form or an automatic response — and you should see your conversion rate increase.

Streamline and Improve Your Intake Process

Apart from responding quickly, you can look for ways to generally improve your intake process. This is an especially important point to consider if you find that potential clients are dropping out after several communications with your firm.

The decision to hire a lawyer is complex, but you can narrow down some of the major influences by asking yourself some questions. Do you transmit a clear value proposition during intake? Do prospective clients feel like you listen to what they're saying? Are your published marketing materials consistent with the content and tone of your intake communications?

Track All of Your Lead Generation Techniques

The final improvement you can make is tracking the effectiveness of your different lead generation techniques. This will help you understand which investments are providing the best return for your firm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call (888) 312-2953. Legal Locator is here to provide qualified, real-time, custom-tailored leads that convert for all types of law firms.

Grow Your Practice With Exclusive, Real-Time Leads


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