How Pay Per Call Leads Can Improve Lead Quality And ROI

How Pay Per Call Leads Can Improve Lead Quality And ROI

A pay per call lead-buying model is a specific subset of the increasingly popular pay-per-lead model. If that doesn't make sense right now, don't worry — we'll go into the details later on in this article.


The main goal here is to show how these types of leads can improve lead quality. We'll also look at how that can help you improve your return on your marketing investment. When we use the abbreviation "PPC" in this article, it will refer to pay-per-call leads (as opposed to pay-per-click advertisements).


With that, let's get started. Here are the topics we'll

● What Is PPL?

● What Is Pay Per Call in PPL?

● What Is Lead Quality?

● The Role of Quality in Determining Your ROI

●  Balancing Quality and Quantity  

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Contact Legal Locator at any time for information and analysis specific to your law firm.

Let's take a deeper dive into those points. We'll explain the following topics

in this article

● What Is PPC?

● A Look at Pay Per Call

● How Pay Per Call Benefits Your Firm

● Why It's Hard to Manage a PPC Campaign

● Pay Per Call Leads as a Results-First Approach

● How To Make the Most of Pay Per Call

● Balancing Different Advertising Tools

What Is Pay Per Lead?


Pay per lead, or PPL for short, is a form of advertising that gives advertisers information about or passes along contacts from
potential clients and customers.


This is in contrast with many other types of advertising, which position messages in order to achieve maximum exposure. The exposure from these other types of advertising then, ideally, generates leads.


In a PPL model, you are paying directly for what other forms of advertising are usually trying to generate. This makes it a more
straightforward and sometimes even more cost-effective way of generating leads when compared to other types of services.


PPL also has a potential drawback, although this does not usually form much of a negative for law offices. Namely, PPL does not always increase brand exposure because many lead generation agencies use aggregate systems rather than promoting a single office.


For many law firms, brand identity is tied to the one-on-one client experience. Therefore this lack of exposure is not so much of an issue. If you are interested in creating impressions, there are many relatively inexpensive ways to do so that could complement a PPL strategy.


What Is Pay Per Call in PPL?


PPC leads are a specific type of leads in the PPL market. They are, as you might expect, leads that always come in the form of phone
calls. There are many benefits to pay per call leads for lawyers.


● Phone calls are the form of contact many attorneys prefer, and generating them is the goal of many marketing campaigns.

● Attorneys' offices are often set up well to receive and process phone calls.

● When people call you on the phone, you can have a much greater degree of certainty that your office is the only one they are currently contacting.  

The bottom line is that pay per call is a format that allows you to buy phone calls from potential clients. If that sounds like something
that could benefit the growth of your firm, then this type of premium service could be a good choice.


What Is Lead Quality?


Lead quality is generally something that you calculate in your own office based on the performance of leads from different sources. In
general, the main indicator of performance is the average rate of conversion.


To calculate the conversion rate, take the total number of leads that you receive. Then, calculate the number of clients that you
generated from those leads.


The conversion rate is the number of clients generated divided by the number of leads. It will always be less than one and it will
usually be significantly less than one.


Lead quality might also involve the value of the cases that the leads generate. However, since this is highly dependent on practice area and case type, it usually makes more sense to look at the conversion rates.


If you want to keep it simple, you really do not have to go much further than this in your analysis. However, taking a detailed look at how you acquire and process leads can be instrumental in determining which lead sources are going to be the best way for you to grow your business.


The Role of Quality in Determining Your ROI


Lead quality (in terms of simple conversion rate) is an important factor in determining the return on your marketing investment. For
example, imagine that you spend $5,000 on 100 leads from a single source and generate enough cases to bring in $50,000 of revenue. Another lead source requires you to spend $10,000 for 100 leads and generates $20,000.


It would be reasonable to assume that the second source might be providing lower quality leads. However, that's not the only possibility — other causes for the lower revenue might include poor lead processing from that source, for example.


Balancing Quality and Quantity


Although pay-per-call leads typically represent a high level of quality and good conversion rate for law offices, it's also important to
remember that these are also typically expensive when compared to other types of leads. Many firms choose to balance buying specific, quality leads with more generalized quantity-generating techniques.


This approach helps firms grow at a predictable rate while still providing plenty of opportunities to occupy business-development and office staff. For example, you might pursue SEO and paid advertising campaigns while buying leads to generate more reliable conversion rates.


Contact a Professional Agency Today


One of the things to look for when buying calls with a PPL agency is flexibility, especially at first. None of the high-quality calls will
be particularly cheap, so you will probably want some room to explore the service, streamline your intake processes, and build up some personalized insights.


The sooner you start, the sooner you can determine whether this option is a good choice for your firm. Contact Legal Locator today to get started buying calls.


Grow Your Practice With Exclusive, Real-Time Leads


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